Welcome to NJOP
Since NJOP’s founding in 1987, we have partnered with over 5,213* locations in 45* countries to bring free and low cost programming, and positive, joyous Jewish experiences to over 1,733,781* Jews.
Each Fall we work with locations throughout North America in partnering with us for Read Hebrew America and Canada, our continent-wide Hebrew literacy campaign that takes place after the High Holidays. We have dozens of programming options to be run throughout the year ranging from our flagship campaign Shabbat Across America and Canada, to our acclaimed Crash Courses in Basic Judaism and Jewish History. We also provide materials for both your Shabbat and High Holiday Beginners Service programs. A full list of our programs and classes can be found below, and most are free of charge!
So look around, and when you are ready, fill out this form to let us know which classes or programs you are interested in participating in and we will help you connect with what you’re looking for.
Jewish Treats is the social media arm of NJOP. When launched in 2008, NJOP’s social media platforms have become one of the go-to places for Jewish education and experiences on the social web. Find us at JewishTweets on Twitter, the Jewish Treats Facebook Page, on Instagram, our Pinterest Boards and YouTube Channel.
*Figures as of 12/23.