Looking for something different for this year’s High Holidays?

If you are one of thousands of Jews around the country who are curious but wary or hesitant about High Holiday services, NJOP invites you to start here.

Before the holidays, we will list below locations that are offering dynamic and accessible services, where an attendee can be comfortable, no matter their background. Use the map on this page to see if a High Holiday Beginners Service is taking place in your community, we hope you will consider attending this year.

Best wishes for a happy and sweet New Year!

High Holidays 2025

Rosh Hashana September 16 - 17

(Begins at sundown on September 15th)

Rosh Hashana, known as the Jewish New Year, is the day on which the Jewish people declare God as King. It is also known as the Day of Judgement and starts a period of ten days during which it is customary to engage in a process of teshuva (repentance) in which a person acknowledges past wrongdoings and works to resolve them.

Yom Kippur September 25

(Begins with Kol Nidre at sundown on September 24th)

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the last day of the Ten Days of Teshuva. A full fast day, Yom Kippur is the day on which the Jewish people as a whole and as individuals atone for their transgressions and ask God that their teshuva be accepted.

For additional resources and to learn more about the holidays of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, please visit high-holidays

Attend A Service

Check the map or run a search above to see if there is a High Holiday Beginners Service taking place in a community near you. Use the information provided in the listing to contact our partners to register or learn more.


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Partner with NJOP

Are you a rabbi, Jewish educator or synagogue representative? Click here to learn about the many ways you can partner with NJOP.

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