Jewish Treats about
The High Holidays
Browse our archive of High Holiday related Jewish Treats.
I Am To My Beloved
The Biblical verse that most epitomizes the emotion of love is: “Anee…
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Tisha b’Av
This coming Monday night at sunset, the saddest day on the Jewish calendar…
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Pinchas 5784-2024
"Whatever Became of the Sons of Korach” (updated and revised from Pinchas…
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The Jewish people have often been cast as the proverbial “scapegoat.” When…
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The Book Of Jonah
The Book of Jonah is one of the best-known stories in the Bible and is read…
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For The Sins We Committed
One of the main steps in the process of teshuva (repentance) is for…
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Haazinu-Yom Kippur 5784
"A Propitious Time for Repentance" (updated and revised from Haazinu…
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The Fast of Gedaliah (Tzom Gedaliah)
The Fast of Gedaliah is observed to commemorate the assassination of…
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Symbolic Foods
Since Rosh Hashana is the Day of Judgment, it is customary to eat simanim*,…
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Avinu Malkeinu
No prayer so thoroughly captures the Jewish people’s dual relationship with…
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Birthday of the World
According to Jewish tradition, this Friday night, when Rosh Hashana begins,…
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Rosh Hashana 5784-2023
“Actions and their Implications” (updated and revised from Rosh Hashana…
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In addition to the unique prayer services of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur,…
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Forgiveness: An Elul Treat
Many feel that the three hardest words to say, in any language are: “I am…
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I Am To My Beloved
The Torah verse that most epitomizes the emotion of love is: “Anee l’dodi…
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Tisha b’Av
This Wednesday night at sunset, the saddest day on the Jewish calendar…
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The Book Of Jonah
The Book of Jonah is one of the best known stories in the Bible and is read…
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For The Sins We Committed
One of the main steps in the process of teshuva (repentance) is for a…
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Avinu Malkeinu
No prayer so thoroughly captures the Jewish people’s dual relationship with…
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The Fast of Gedaliah (Tzom Gedaliah)
The Fast of Gedaliah is observed to commemorate the assassination of…
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Vayeilech/Yom Kippur 5783-2022
“Difficult Transitions” (Updated and revised from Vayeilech/Yom Kippur…
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Rosh Hashana 5783-2022
“Making Each Day Count” (updated and revised from Rosh Hashana 5764-2003)…
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The popular Rosh Hashana tashlich ritual is a tradition that is dear…
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The Three T’s
On Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur we declare: “Repentance, prayer and charity…
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Birthday of the World
According to Jewish tradition, this Sunday night, when Rosh Hashana begins,…
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Symbolic Foods
Since Rosh Hashana is the Day of Judgment, it is customary to eat simanim*,…
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Forgiveness: An Elul Treat
Many feel that the three hardest words to say, in any language are: “I am…
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Positive Thinking Day
One of the new holidays that has gained traction due to internet calendars…
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I Am To My Beloved
The Torah verse that most epitomizes the emotion of love is: “Anee l’dodi…
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Tisha b’Av
This Saturday night at sunset, the saddest day on the Jewish calendar…
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High Holidays
Participate in one of our renowned, interactive High Holiday Beginners Service programs or workshops this holiday season. We’ll help you host a program with our comprehensive materials and videos or find one to attend.
Rosh Hoshana
The Jewish New Year starts with a celebration of the very creation of the world and a recognition of humankind’s relationship to the Creator.
Yom Kippur
The High Holidays culminate with The Day of Atonement.
There is a mysticism in that almost all Jews recognize the holiness of the day.
Browse our collection of High Holiday Jewish Treats, filled with interesting stories and articles about Jewish histories and traditions.