Grant Opportunities

NJOP has three incredible Grant Opportunities to support your organization, synagogue or community.

High Holiday Beginners Service

The Freyer High Holiday Beginners Service Initiative

NJOP Announces $500 Stipends for Synagogues/Jewish Centers Running NJOP’s High Holiday Beginners Service. Thanks to the generosity of Sylvia Freyer z”l and the Freyer Family Foundation, NJOP will be awarding grants of up to $500 each on a first-come-first-served basis to serve as seed money to help launch, promote and facilitate a High Holiday Beginners Service (HHBS).

If your synagogue or Jewish organization has not participated in the Freyer High Holiday Beginners Service, we encourage you to apply for the stipend and offer an exciting and dynamic Beginners Service on one or both days of Rosh Hashana and/or on Yom Kippur (Kol Nidrei eve and Yom Kippur day) that will appeal to, and be open to, the broader Jewish community.

How to Spend the Stipend

The $500 stipend is a reimbursement. In order to receive a check from NJOP, receipts/invoices are required for the exact amount spent (up to $500). This stipend is meant to be used for recruiting and engaging people to attend your High Holiday Beginners Service…

Grant Qualifications and Criteria

In order for an application to be considered, in addition to the High Holiday Beginners Service, the location must agree to offer an NJOP Hebrew Reading or Writing Course, participate in a conference call with representatives from other qualifying locations, make an effort to conduct a Shabbat Beginners Service and share…

The Service's History

If executed properly, your synagogue/organization will not only discover how valuable such a service is for its intended audience. By offering this type of programming, it can benefit your synagogue/organization by attracting new members or engaging dormant members…

Sukkot Across America

There is no question that Sukkot is one of the most joyous and fun-filled holidays found in the Jewish calendar. Unfortunately, many unaffiliated and marginally affiliated Jews in your community have never experienced this joy, since they have never been invited to join the celebration.
NJOP would like to invite you to apply to participate in Sukkot Across America. Simply agree to run a free and exciting program in your Sukkah the non-Shabbat days of Chol Hamoed Sukkot, that will appeal to the wider Jewish community. If your application is accepted, NJOP will offer you up to $500 towards promotional expenses.  Up to eighty locations will be selected.

The goal of Sukkot Across America is to have synagogues, Jewish centers and outreach programs across the country open their sukkot to the general Jewish community and, hopefully, inspire the visitors to become more engaged in Jewish life. At each of these specially chosen sukkah locations, participants will be invited to shake a lulav and etrog, enjoy some refreshments and perhaps some music and rejoice on this happiest of Jewish holidays.

How to Spend the Stipend

The reimbursement of up to $500 can only be used to promote or enhance your Sukkot program and/or to enable you to reach more people who may not otherwise experience the festival of Sukkot. NJOP wants you to upgrade your program or augment your advertising with the stipend…

Grant Qualifications and Criteria

In order for an application to be considered, in addition to Sukkot Across America, the location must agree to offer an NJOP Hebrew Reading or Writing Course, provide post-event report and share…

If you have any questions, please contact NJOP’s Assistant Director Larry Greenman at 646-871-4444 or [email protected].

Passover Across America

Run an explanatory Communal Outreach Passover Seder open to all Jews on the first and/or second night of passover to qualify for our grant. The goal of the program is to enable Jewish organizations and synagogues to offer a hands-on explanatory seder to Jews of limited religious background, helping participants develop a deeper understanding of, and appreciation for, the seder’s customs and rituals.

If your application is accepted, NJOP will offer you up to $1,000 toward certain expenses (see below). Up to seventy locations will be selected.

How to Spend the Stipend

The reimbursement of up to $1000 can only be used to promote, enhance or increase the reach of your Passover Across America Seder. NJOP wants you to upgrade your seder program or augment your advertising with the stipend. Acceptable ways of using the stipend include: providing subsidies to those who…

Grant Qualifications and Criteria

In order for an application to be considered, in addition to the High Holiday Beginners Service, the location must agree to offer an NJOP Hebrew Reading or Writing Course, Crash Course in Basic Judaism or a Crash Course in Jewish History. The course you choose should run sometime between…

Grant Application

    Available Grants
    (check all that apply)High Holidays Beginners Service GrantSukkot Across America GrantPassover Across America Grant

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