Rosh Hashana
A celebration of the very creation of the world and a recognition of humankind’s relationship to the Creator.
Happy New Year!
Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, is much more than the celebration of another year’s passing. Rosh Hashana is, after all, a celebration of the very creation of the world and a recognition of humankind’s relationship to the Creator.
Fundamental to Judaism is the belief in an active G-d who is involved in our lives like a caring parent. G-d responds to our needs, but, at the same time, G-d also watches us and assesses our actions.
On Rosh Hashana, G-d metaphorically closes out the year by reviewing the records of each person’s actions, judging each person’s merits and faults, and setting a verdict for the quality of each person’s year to come. Rosh Hashana is a day of judgment, we Jews therefore use the holiday to reconnect with G-d and to reassess our own lives.
Rosh Hashana Stories,Practices and Resources
- Jewish Treats Complete Guide to Rosh Hashana
- High Holidays 101 web series
- Shofar Service
- Symbolic Foods
- Preparing for the New Year
- Hows and Whys
- The Fast of Gedaliah (Tzom Gedaliah)
- The 10 Days
- Yom Kippur
- Recommended Reading
- Rosh Hashana Essay
- High Holiday Jewish Treats
- Soul Bigger (The Rosh Hashana Song)
- High Holiday Recipes
Complete Guide to Rosh Hashana
NJOP and our social media brand Jewish Treats are excited to introduce our Jewish Treats Complete Guide to Rosh Hashana- your online resource to the Jewish New Year.
Jewish Treats Complete Guide to Rosh Hashana eBook is designed to engage and inspire those who are active in the social media universe. Easily downloadable for even those who are not very computer savvy, NJOP’s eBook makes the customs and traditions associated with Rosh Hashana both accessible and meaningful. This very contemporary guide provides in-depth explanations, delicious recipes and personal inspirational thoughts and experiences associated with Rosh Hashana. Jewish Treats Complete Guide to Rosh Hashana eBook is an invaluable tool for all Jews, especially those who may never have experienced the majesty and inspirational nature of Rosh Hashana.
High Holiday Videos
High Holiday 101
Web Series
These High Holiday videos are each between 9-12 minutes long and are geared towards anyone seeking to engage fellow Jews on the High Holidays. Whether you are a rabbi, or a lay leader, your observance is traditional or more progressive, you will benefit from these engaging videos.
Soul Bigger
(The Rosh Hashana Song)
@JewishTweets wants to know if you’re ready to make your “Soul Bigger” for the High Holidays!
*Featured on NBC’s The Today Show!
High Holiday Programs
Join or partner with us in one of our renowned High Holiday programs.

High Holiday Prayer Workshop
The High Holiday Prayer Workshop (HHPW) is designed for those who seek meaning in a service they find difficult to relate to and hard to understand. Based on the Abridged Beginners Service, the Prayer Workshop…
The High Holiday Prayer Workshop contains discussion material for selected prayers from both Rosh Hashana (Shofar Service, Torah Reading, Avinu Malkeinu and U’netah’ne Tokef) and Yom Kippur (Kol Nidre, Thirteen Attributes of G-d, Vidui, The Book of Jonah and Kee Anu Amecha).
Our materials will help you host a Prayer Workshop with a Leader’s Guide as well as Participant’s Pages. Both components contain an introduction to the prayers and the words of the prayers, and, most importantly, questions that enable participants to delve more deeply into the meanings of the prayers. In addition to these elements, the Leader’s Guide also contains proposed answers prepared by the NJOP staff. You can also use our personalizable flyer to help promote the program.

High Holiday Beginners Service
Looking for something different for this year’s High Holidays? If you are one of thousands of Jews around the country who are curious but wary or hesitant about High Holiday services, NJOP invites you to start here…
NJOP sponsored High Holiday Beginners Services are designed to be interactive and accessible no matter one’s background. Prayers and customs are fully explained by dynamic leaders and questions are always welcome. The atmosphere is warm and welcoming. Beginners Service leaders aim to provide a meaningful experience for everyone present.
Find out how you or your community can participate
If you, or your synagogue, would like to be one of the many participating locations offering a High Holiday Beginners Service this year, you can use our materials and Training Videos.

Abridged High Holiday Beginners Service
A brief and dynamic program designed to appeal to, and inspire, those who may not have attended a High Holiday Service in some time. This brief program enables participants to appreciate the majesty and beauty of the Rosh Hashana and…
If you want to run an Abridged HHBS or ask your synagogue to do so, you can use our materials and training video.
Send us message to have us contact you about running any of our High Holiday programs or call 1-800-44-HEBREW.