Toledot 5769-2008
"The Blessings of a Tzaddik"
Isaac wants to bless his son Esau. Rebecca feels that Jacob is more deserving of the blessing. Does a tzaddik (a righteous person) really have the power to bestow blessings on others? Don't all blessings really belong to G-d?
0 Comments9 Minutes
Yom Kippur 5768-2007
"The Role of the Cantor in the High Holiday Services"
After the Temples' destruction, the majestic service of ancient times could no longer be replicated. Instead, today, the cantor, who acts as the community representative, stands symbolically in the role of the High Priest. Many other holiday rituals underscore the connection between the High Priest and today's cantor.
0 Comments10 Minutes
Rosh Hashana 5768-2007
"The Sounding of the Shofar"
What are the reasons for the sounding of the shofar, and what are its meanings? Why do we sound 100 blasts of the shofar? What should be our proper inner intentions and thoughts when the shofar is sounded?
0 Comments11 Minutes