Our Father Our King

Seize the opportunity to approach God in prayer recognizing the dual nature of His status as both our Father and our King.

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Learning from our Mistakes

The tragedy of the murder of Gedaliah, for which Jews fast today, was a result of Jew-versus-Jew hatred. We must always learn from the tragic lessons of our past, and, instead, embrace…

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Understanding Vidui

When confessing sins before God, it is especially important to understand what is being said. If the Hebrew liturgy is unfamiliar, print out before Yom Kippur and review a translation of…

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God is Compassionate

The Book of Jonah teaches us that a person cannot hide from God, and that God is ultimately compassionate. Remember that as we approach Yom Kippur.

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Shopping Time

Contact your synagogue or local Jewish community center to find a location to purchase a beautiful lulav and etrog for Sukkot.

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This is the Season

Please click here to study Kohelet over Chol Hamoed Sukkot to keep the joy that we experienced over the holiday in proper perspective and to help us recognize what our life goals should…

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Let’s Do Our Part

Each member of the Jewish community has a critical role to play in support of our brothers and sisters in the State of Israel.  

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Time to Act

Don't sit on the sidelines. There's much we can do to help our brothers and sisters in Israel who need our support.

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Honor Them

Honor the valiant members of the military who have, and continue to serve, your country.

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Make a Difference Now!

Support the State of Israel through prayer, giving tzedaka, charity to worthy institutions and by performing acts of chesed, acts of kindness by assisting others.

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