Extraordinary Achievements

During the month of January, National Braille Literacy Month, learn more about the incredible work done by Abraham Nemeth to benefit the American Joint Braille Committee and the Jewish…

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Poetic License

Delve into the poetry of Chaim Nahman Bialik to appreciate his writings exhorting Jews to reawaken and step forward to take a stand.

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Know Your Jewish History

Appreciate your freedom of religion and the ability to practice Judaism freely, as it was not always the case in Connecticut.

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Think First

By virtue of the fact that there is a blessing “Blessed is He who makes strange creatures,” recognize that all human beings have a Tzelem Elokim, an imprint of Godliness within them, so…

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Recalling Heroic Actions

On a date marking the birth of a hero, it’s important that we all study their actions, and learn from their lives.

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Join In!

If you hear of a Hachnassat Sefer Torah (Welcoming of a Torah Scroll) in your area, clear your calendar and try to attend.

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Check Out the Tribe

In the future, when planning a trip, be sure to place on the agenda a visit to the local Jewish community and become familiar with its Jewish history.

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Your Rabbi

Follow the dictate of Pirkei Avot, Ethics of our Fathers, and find a rabbi who can provide positive guidance for your own Jewish living.

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Staying Fit

Make sure to care of your physical health by working out and exercising regularly.

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Gain an Historical Perspective

Set aside time to read up on world and Jewish history to develop a better understanding of the significance of important historical events.

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