Jewish Leaders to Emulate

Study the history of sages recognized as religious leaders of the Jewish people who are presumed to possess not only superior Torah knowledge but also live lives of righteousness and…

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Which Way to Jerusalem?

Before beginning the Amidah, the silent devotion, it is customary to determine where Jerusalem is vis-a-vis where you are standing and position yourself facing in that direction.

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Never Again

Recent acts of antisemitism and the tragic events that have unfolded in recent weeks in Israel remind us of the words found in the Passover Hagaddah: "In each generation there are those…

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Beta Israel

Learn about the fascinating customs of the Ethiopian community that has made aliyah and have settled in Israel.

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Helping Hand

If you find or inherit a pair of tefillin, reach out to a local rabbi to make sure they are kosher and learn the proper way to put them on.

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Open Your Heart

Learn from the example of the Bostoner Rebbe and extend welcoming invitations to Jewish college students in your community.

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Love Your Neighbor as Yourself

Study the Torah, the blueprint for Jewish life to learn how to more fully embrace this adage and become a mentsch in the process.

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Acknowledge the Righteous Among the Nations

Learn more about those who were deemed to be amongst the "Righteous Among the Nations" and delve into the stories describing their heroic efforts to save Jews in the most difficult of…

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Know Your Presidents

Recognize those Presidents who used their considerable influence to support the Jewish community both in the U.S. and around the globe.

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Create a Beautiful Home

Fill your home with Jewish art and Judaica.

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