For Animals’ Sake

Before adopting a pet, think carefully if you have the time and capacity to care for it properly.

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For Its Own Sake

Do not keep a mental tally of how kind, generous and/or compassionate you have been. There is always room for improvement.

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The Dangers of Atomic Technology

Learn about J. Robert Oppenheimer, the “father of the atomic bomb” and his efforts following its creation to decry its future use for negative purposes.

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A Golden Opportunity

Our sages teach us that God makes Himself easily accessible to us during the month of Elul. Seize the opportunity to reach out and connect to Him.

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Be aware of the things that affect your judgement of other people and try to remain non-judgmental in your approach.

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Role Models

Learn about great pious men and women, so their lives can serve as a model for us, even if many years later.

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Tap Into Wisdom

To learn from, and become wiser in the process, consider spending quality time with an elderly relative or friend.

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Time to Say “I’m Sorry”

In the run-up to the High Holidays, use the month of Elul proactively by approaching those we may have wronged and ask them for forgiveness.

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Now’s the Time

During this particularly auspicious time leading up to Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, think about ways in which you can come closer to God.

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For the Love of Torah

Learn how the Ponevezh Yeshiva was built in Bnei Brak, Israel and became an outstanding Torah institution.

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