Jewish Light Burns Bright

In the face of the unspeakable horror that was perpetrated on October 7th, and innumerable challenges both for the people of Israel and Jews worldwide that resulted, it's time to come…

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Jewish Mississippi

When traveling, try to learn the Jewish history of the places you plan to visit.

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Jewish Work in Diabetes

Today is World Diabetes Day. Not so long ago, diabetes was often thought of as a “Jewish disease.” This was before doctors and scientists understood genetics. The idea of diabetes as a…

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North Star State’s First Jewish Senator

Rudolph Ely Boschwitz was born on November 7, 1930, in Berlin, Germany to his Jewish parents Lucy (Dawidowicz) and Eli. When he was 3, coinciding with Hitler’s rise to power, the…

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Celebrate Jewish Distinctiveness

While living in the diaspora among different cultures, we need to be mindful that in order to perpetuate Judaism, we need to assure that we do not lose our special values that make us…

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Follow the Artistic Accomplishment of Jewish Performers

Many Jews have been trailblazers in the entertainment industry. Take pride in their accomplishments.

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Jewish Leaders to Emulate

Study the history of sages recognized as religious leaders of the Jewish people who are presumed to possess not only superior Torah knowledge but also live lives of righteousness and…

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True Jewish Heroism

Follow the lead of Rabbi Yonah of Geronah and acknowledge wrongdoing by taking the necessary steps to avoid the same pitfall in the future.

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9/11 and Jewish History

The attack on the continental U.S. homeland on September 11, 2001 changed the entire complexion of the United States. Almost 200 years had passed since the last attack on the U.S.…

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Look Good and Comply with Jewish Law

Because the long tradition behind Jewish law usually has more grey than black and white, much nuance exists. Study Jewish law and experience the millennia-long tapestry of opinions and…

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