Support Your Local Jewish Institutions

Learn from the wonderful example set by the Raskas family’s support of local St. Louis Jewish educational institutions by supporting Jewish institutions in your community.

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Barbie’s Jewish Mother

In honor of the arrival of the long awaited Barbie movie this Friday, today's Jewish Treats offers a short profile on Barbie's Jewish creator Ruth Handler. One might easily wonder what…

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The Jewish Contribution to a Fledgling Nation

Today, on Independence Day, study American history to better appreciate the important contributions made by American Jews to business and commerce during the early years of this country…

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Support the Literary Works of Jewish Writers

When selecting literary works to read, support Jewish writers.

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A Jewish Trailblazer

Appreciate Jewish trailblazers like Justice Louis Brandeis who, as the first Jew confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice, broke through the glass ceiling, opening the door for other Jewish…

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Jewish Matchmaking

“Matchmaker, matchmaker / Look through your book / And make me a perfect match…” (Fiddler on the Roof). With the widespread proliferation of internet dating sites such as eHarmony,…

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Jewish Ethics at Your Fingertips

Delve into The Path of the Just, the classic work authored by the RaMCHaL, Rabbi Moses Chaim Luzzatto to gain a new perspective on Jewish ethics.

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Jewish Ramifications

Consider the Jewish angle when contemplating elective surgery.

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Appreciate, Celebrate and Transmit Your Family’s Jewish Heritage

Every person should proudly transmit family history to the next generation. For Jews this is both a calling and an imperative.

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Jewish Cultural Entertainment

If there is one showing in your area, treat yourself to a Yiddish play with English subtitles.

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