Jewish Treats
New blog posts each weekday sharing interesting and enjoyable observations about Judaism, called “Juicy Bits of Judaism.” These bite-sized facts and actions are easy to digest and are a great way to make a daily connection to Judaism in about two minutes.
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Alms On Hand
Calculate how much you plan on spending for Mishloach Manot and set aside…
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Five Ways To Prepare
Remember the Sabbath Day (Zachor et yom HaShabbat - Exodus 20:8). This…
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Something Special
When you purchase a new article of dress clothes, set it aside and wear it…
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Until 120!
Gertrude Baines, age 114, is currently the oldest living human being. That…
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Return to Lender
Return any borrowed items for which you no longer have a need.
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The Whole Megillah
Whether it’s a long-winded tale, or a story overloaded with details--it’s…
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Getting Ready
Review the story of Purim by reading Megillat Esther. If you don't own a…
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Come My Beloved
The Talmud (Shabbat 116a) describes how the sages would greet Shabbat:…
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Come Let Us Greet
Invite a friend to go with you to Friday night services.
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The Divine Dwelling
In Judaism, there is a strong focus on the city of Jerusalem and the first…
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In Your Dwelling
Set aside a shelf and build a Jewish library one book at a time.
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It’s A Segulah
A segulah is an action that is reputed to lead to a change in one’s…
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Lending A Hand
Volunteer at local soup kitchen. Lending a hand is often as important as…
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When Adar Begins
The month of Adar begins at sunset this evening, February 24, 2009. About…
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Joy To The World
In the spirit of Adar, dedicate tomorrow to being joyful!
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On Being A Grandparent
Bubbe and Zaide, Grandma and Grandpa, Saba and Savta--No matter what you…
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Bring A Smile
Schedule time to visit with residents in a nursing home. Perhaps even call…
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The Friday Night Feast
With candles burning brightly and fine wine for kiddush, Friday night…
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Sharing Shabbat
Know a family that has fallen on hard times? Invite them to share a Shabbat…
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Just A Half A Shekel
This Shabbat is Shabbat Shekalim, the Sabbath of Shekels. The Torah…
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Drop It In
In honor of the half-shekel donation, put 50 cents into a tzedakah…
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Wash and Dry
The miracles of modern science have made us aware of the vast world of…
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To Your Health
Strengthen your eating habits by increasing your fruit or vegetable intake.…
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A Gift For Life
Did you know that Jewish law frowns upon elective surgery? After all, as…
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Pass It On
If you hear of someone in need of a transplant and looking for a donor,…
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An American Treat
In honor of Presidents’ Day, Jewish Treats presents a brief summary of how…
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Religious Freedom
Take a minute and thank God that you live in a time when governments can…
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King and Queen of Hearts
In Pirkei D’Rabbi Eliezer (a book of Midrash attributed to Rabbi Eliezer…
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A Little Note
Write yourself a note reminding you of three things you can do to make your…
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Two Pillars of Five
Jewish law, and thus Jewish life, rests on two pillars, the mitzvot between…
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