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See Green
Look for opportunities to conserve the world's resource: walk to work, turn…
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The Jewish nation has a long historical memory. Jewish history is replete…
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Learn Now
In honor of Yom Hashoah, listen to the testimony of Holocaust survivors who…
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The Tragedy of Jealousy
The Talmud (Yevamot 62b) relates that “Rabbi Akiva had 12,000 pairs of…
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There’s A Key In My Challah!
It's a fact that many people spend much time thinking about, or even…
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Bread Basket
Enhance your Friday night meal with two whole loaves of challah in honor of…
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Just Do It!
Without question, the Biblical spokesman for Nike® would have been Nachshon…
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Festival Part II
In honor of the final festival days* of Passover tonight, light candles…
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Can You Count To 49?
There is a Biblical commandment (Leviticus 23:15) to count the 49 days that…
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Count Out Loud
Set your computer or blackberry to remind you to count the Omer each…
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The Song of Songs
"Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, for your love is better than…
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Early To Rise
Set your alarm clock so you can say Birkat Hachama at sunrise...then enjoy…
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The Blessing of the Sun
Wednesday morning (April 8, 2009/14th of Nisan 5769), a unique, once in 28…
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Practicing Perfection
If you have children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews spend some time…
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Passover, A Holiday for “Kids”
Why is this night different from all other nights? Ask the kids! Or better…
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Four Cups of Wine
Like almost all festival meals, the Passover Seder begins with Kiddush, the…
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Leading Label
Before buying wine for the seder, make sure the bottle you want is labeled…
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Elijah – Our Passover and Brit Milah Guest
At the Passover seder, those children who are still awake after the meal…
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Elijah Who
Find out more about Elijah the Prophet in the First Book of Kings, and…
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Kitniyot and Gerbrouchts…Oh You Ashkenazim!
Ashkenazi or Sephardi? Hungarian, Yekke (German), Lithuanian? At no other…
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Discover Customs
Ask an older relative what he/she remembers about Passover when he/she was…
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Paschal Lamb – A Unique Commandment
While most Jews have attended a Passover Seder, no Jew in the last 1,900…
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Fine Dining
When eating out at a restaurant, remember to thank the staff for their…
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The Passover Story in Brief
On Passover, we commemorate the Exodus from Egyptian slavery. The following…
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Food Drive
Donate your chametz (leaven) to a local food bank or soup kitchen.
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You Are Royalty
Passover is known as the festival of freedom. And who is more free than…
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Something Special
Set aside something special, something that makes you feel regal, to wear…
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Oh My Gosh…Passover Is Coming
The intensive physical and emotional preparations for Passover come from…
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