Jewish Treats
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Focal Point
Focus on one of the Ten Commandments this Shabbat, when the Ten…
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Sheep Shearing
While giving charity appears to be one of the fundamental good deeds a…
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One Dollar
Keep a stash of $1 bills in your purse or wallet to hand out to people…
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Hora Hey
Hands clasped, feet flying, and the room spinning as the giant circle of…
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A Little Choice
When deciding between two brands of the same item, choose the one that…
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Terrific Trees
In honor of the New Year of trees (Tu b'Shevat), Jewish Treats presents…
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Tu b’Shevat is Coming
While it has been a difficult winter for many of us, it may be time to look…
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In Celebration
Sunday evening, host a Tu b'shevat Seder for your friends and family.
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The Great Sanhedrin
In ancient times, the court system of Israel was dominated by two forms of…
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Spread the Word
Donate your used books to a hospital or senior care facility.
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The Seven Mitzvot
Jewish law places great emphasis on the way a Jew must live and the rewards…
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Spread the Cheer
Challenge yourself to make at least four people smile today.
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What’s With The Hat?
Hair Is A Woman's Crowning Glory Is there any question that a woman's hair…
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Let your hair grow long and then donate it to be used in wigs for cancer…
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Jewish Penicillin
There is an unusual statement in the Talmud (Berachot 44b) about the…
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Ask your grandmother for recipes of your childhood that stand out most in…
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The Other Hand Washing
It’s been a lovely meal, from the fresh-baked French bread to the sinful…
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Deep Thoughts
Share a thought on the parasha (weekly Torah portion) with whomever you are…
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An Eye For Civil Law
You’ve heard the phrase “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for…
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Natural Impressions
Don't let winter weather get you down - reflect on the Divine artistry in…
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The Fruit That Is Not A Fruit
Eating a healthy diet is important. In fact, it is so important that many…
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A Second Look: Organ Donation
Jewish Treats has received several important and informative comments…
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Can You Spare A Lung
Postmortem organ donations seem like a thoroughly altruistic act. However,…
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A Fashion Statement
In Numbers 15:38, God commands the Jewish people to “make themselves…
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Make Your Statement
Wear something that reminds you of the importance of your Jewish heritage…
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May You Be Like
Before the Shabbat meal, it is customary for the parents to bless their…
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A Cappella
Make your own music! Get together with some friends and sing Jewish camp…
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