Jewish Treats
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The Prophet’s Speech
The King’s Speech, an Oscar winner, tells the true tale of how King George…
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Bite Your Tongue
Always choose your words carefully, for the tongue is a powerful weapon.
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The Lemba Connection
The Assyrian conquerors who claimed the Northern Kingdom of Israel in 722…
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A Visit
If you know someone recuperating from illness or surgery, find out if they…
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Just This Once?
Children notoriously like to test the limits. “If I try to take a cookie,…
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Plan Now
Shabbat Across America and Canada will take place on March 4, 2011. Check…
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Humble Bee
February 22nd has been declared “Be Humble Day,” a “holiday” that most…
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Personal Assessment
Don't hesitate to acknowledge that someone else may be able to do a job…
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Mr. Adams’ Attitude
In honor of President’s Day, Jewish Treats presents an overview of the…
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A Bit of Patriotism
If you live in a country that allows true freedom of religion, take a…
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On The Ice
As a Semitic nation, the Jewish people emerged as a nation in the warm, dry…
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Purim Katan
In a Jewish leap year, two months of Adar are celebrated: Adar I and Adar…
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Plan For Purim Katan
Make a special lunch in honor of Purim Katan tomorrow.
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Paying For Gold
The most infamous sin of the Jewish people was the sin of the Golden Calf:…
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True Strength
Don't let peer pressure keep you from doing the right thing.
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Random Acts of Kindness
An entire generation of North Americans hear the words “random acts of…
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Random Acts of Kindness Week
Celebrate “Random Acts of Kindness Week,” February 14-20! Make a random act…
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A Gift For Life
Did you know that Jewish law frowns upon elective surgery? After all, as…
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Get Informed
Today is National Organ Donor Day. Find out more about Jewish law and organ…
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Happy Birthday to Moses
To write a biography of Moses in under 300 words would be impossible. From…
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Honoring Moses
Celebrate the birthday of the greatest leader of the Jewish people by…
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The Emperor’s Nephew
“A man should always complete the Torah portion together [at the same time]…
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Take The First Step
Read the weekly Torah portion in which ever language you are most…
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My Chicken Doesn’t Moo
Poultry has an interesting status in the world of Jewish law. It is the…
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Italian Craving
If you’re craving chicken-parmesan, try some eggplant parmesan!
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“No More Pharaohs and No More Slaves”
By the mid-1800s, Jews were settled throughout the United States, and many…
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No Bullies
If you see someone being mistreated, don't hesitate to stand up for him or…
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