Jewish Treats
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Do The Opposite
The opposite of Chilul Hashem is Kiddush Hashem (sanctifying the name).…
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Bishop Bodo
Some of the most interesting figures of history may be discovered in…
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Religious Questions
When confronted with a question about Judaism from a co-worker or an…
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Instrumental Shabbat
The first time a musical instrument was played to enhance a Shabbat Service…
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Explain Ourselves
While Judaism may appear to be a religion with many holidays and an…
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Jews Down Under
Jewish Treats pop quiz: Name the country whose first Jews arrived as…
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Traveler Greetings
If you travel to Australia, visit the Jewish community
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Sorcerers Beware
In Sanhedrin 67b, Rabbi Ashi states that he saw “Karna’s father blow his…
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Real Magic
Take time to watch the wonders of nature and recognize God's magic.
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The Art of The Compliment
“You look very nice.” “That was an excellent presentation.” “Your house is…
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Say It True
Today, January 24, is Compliments Day. Find ways to compliment truthfully…
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Saturday Night Delight
The Talmud (Shabbat 119a) describes how the sages would greet Shabbat:…
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Eliyahu Ha’Navi
The song Eliyahu Ha’Navi, Elijah the Prophet, is customarily sung on…
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Terrific Trees
In honor of the New Year of Trees (Tu b'Shevat), Jewish Treats presents…
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A Modern Sage
Medieval scholars such as Maimonides and Gersonides were famous for both…
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Library Trip
Find out if your local library carries any of Rabbi Kaplan’s work. If they…
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More Than Just Trees
Thousands of blue boxes and a dream that encompassed a nation...that was…
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Tree Time
Tu b'Shevat, the Jewish New Year for Trees is only two days away! If you…
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The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which is famous for its month-long resistance…
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Our Own Strength
Taking pride in your Jewish heritage is one way to honor the memory of…
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The Challenge of a Cup of Tea
How do you make a cup of tea? Seems like a silly question, doesn’t it? Tea…
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Shabbat Delight
If enjoying a cup of tea, remember that the blessing over a cup of tea is…
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Forget The Top Forties
Thousands of years ago, the sages created a top ten song list of the…
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Sing A Song
While the Book of Psalms is filled with beautiful poems that are often…
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Letter Abbreviations
Everyone is familiar with standard letter form: the return address here,…
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The Written Word
Being careful with what you write is as important as being careful with…
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