Jewish Treats
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Purim! Again?
Unique to the Jewish calendar, Purim is actually observed on different days…
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The Sabbath of Remembering
This Shabbat is Shabbat Parashat Zachor, the Sabbath of Remembering. The…
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A Special Time
In the act of giving gifts to the poor on Purim it is noted: “Kol HaPoshet…
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The Four Mitzvot of Purim
Purim is celebrated on Sunday, March 20th (beginning after Shabbat on March…
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Package Preparation
Have fun preparing Mishloach Manot/Shalach Manos with friends.
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The Fast of Esther
"Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast for…
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Fast Day Help
It is considered specially meritorious to give charity before or after the…
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It Was Bashert
Bashert, which in Yiddish means “predestined,” is most commonly applied to…
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Costume Time
Those who first hear about the custom of Purim costumes might assume that…
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If you don’t like costumes, wear your shirt inside-out and respond to…
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Read At Mincha
The climax of the Shabbat morning service is the Torah reading, which is…
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Saturday Afternoon
Attend Shabbat Mincha (afternoon service) at your local synagogue.
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Who Was Achashverosh?
“In the third year that Achashverosh, who reigned over 127 provinces from…
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Dating Advice
When dating, be selective in who you ask for "romantic advice."
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Relating to Sacrifices
“Rabbi Aha said in the name of Rabbi Hanina ben Pappa that God regards the…
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Drawing Closer
Daily prayer is one way of forming a relationship with God.
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The Power of Propaganda
In recent weeks, several celebrities have achieved notoriety for making…
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A Grain of Salt
When reading the news, always take what you are reading with a grain of…
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Abraham Ibn Ezra
Biblical scholars study his Torah commentaries, poets read his verse,…
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Into Words
If you enjoy writing, put your thoughts about God and Judaism into words.
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Shabbat’s Angel Companions
In the Talmud (Shabbat 119b), Rabbi Josi the son of Judah is quoted as…
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A Reason To Say Amen
Participate in Shabbat Across America and Canada TONIGHT!(Check here to…
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Why day Seven?
The number seven plays a significant role in Jewish thought. There are…
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Celebrate the Seventh
Celebrate the seventh day of this week with your fellow Jews across North…
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The Final Analysis
After the soul departs, it journeys to the gates of heaven where it must…
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Pat On The Back
Never forget to give yourself credit for doing good deeds.
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In Thanks For Your Work
As history moves from the age of the Industrial Revolution into the age of…
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Saying Thank You
If you attend Shabbat Across America and Canada this Friday night (March…
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