Jewish Treats
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The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which is famous for its month-long resistance…
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Our Own Strength
Taking pride in your Jewish heritage is one way to honor the memory of…
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The Challenge of a Cup of Tea
How do you make a cup of tea? Seems like a silly question, doesn’t it? Tea…
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Shabbat Delight
If enjoying a cup of tea, remember that the blessing over a cup of tea is…
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Forget The Top Forties
Thousands of years ago, the sages created a top ten song list of the…
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Sing A Song
While the Book of Psalms is filled with beautiful poems that are often…
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Letter Abbreviations
Everyone is familiar with standard letter form: the return address here,…
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The Written Word
Being careful with what you write is as important as being careful with…
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The Eyes Have It
January is Eye Care Month! Close to 2,000 years ago, the importance of…
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Knock, Knock, Who’s There
It is basic courtesy to knock on a closed door and wait to be admitted by…
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Knock On
Put the politeness of knocking into practice even at work. Make it a habit…
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Kugel Konnection
A traditional Ashkenazi Shabbat table will often be graced with at least…
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Shabbat Delight
Enjoy kugel as part of your Shabbat meal tonight. Click here for an easy…
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In Flows Shevat
Despite what one might expect, Jewish tradition does not dismiss the signs…
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Torah Flow
Prepare for the first Shabbat of Shevat 5711 by studying the parasha, the…
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The Exorcist, one of the most famous horror films ever created, is based on…
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Give A Little More
Help alleviate the “pressure of extreme poverty” by being generous in your…
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The Leader Is
Torah and civil law are the two legal codes that shape the lives of the…
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Democratic Thanks
If you live in a democratic society that allows equality to Jews, take a…
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The Root of the Meaning
"Our sacred literature does not use obscure language, but describes most…
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If you are knowledgeable in Hebrew or Bible, offer to tutor someone who is…
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Fiddler on the Roof made the Jewish drinking toast “L’Chaim” - To Life! -…
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Choose Winely
Kosher wine offerings have been expanding by leaps and bounds. Ask your…
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Should Old Acquaintances Be Forgot?
“Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind?” This…
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It’s At the Lost and Found
Many a comic strip cartoon has tried to gain a laugh by focusing on the…
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Your Mother’s Brother
There’s an old wives’ tale that a man’s hair pattern (i.e. baldness) can be…
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Early Enrollment
Find out about local Jewish day schools or after-school programs in which…
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