Jewish Treats
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Have You Threshed Recently
Not too many people have the opportunity to thresh their own grain…
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The Time Is Now
NOVEMBER 2011! READ HEBREW AMERICA and CANADA, the National Jewish Outreach…
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The Don’s Commentary
Don Isaac Abrabanel (1437-1508) was one of the greatest statesmen of his…
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Shem ben Noah
When the great flood that inundated the world began, eight people entered…
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From One House
Remember that all people are linked, so give everyone respect.
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The Yom Kippur War
It would be impossible in this format to provide a full history of the…
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History Check
Study history before trying to understand the Middle East in the media.
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Daniel In The Lion’s Den
When one hears the general premise of the story, that the king of Medea…
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Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah
Tonight starts the holiday of Shemini Atzeret, literally the Gathering of…
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The Great Hoshana (Hoshana Rabbah)
Rosh Hashana is known as the Day of Judgment (Yom Hadin), the day on which…
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Extra Helping
Take any opportunity today to do a little more for others.
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Water, Water Everywhere
Sukkot is considered the holiday on which God determines the world’s water…
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Praying For Proper Rain
Now is an auspicious time to pray that this year rain should fall at the…
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Chol Hamoed
Most holidays in western society last for a single day, which is often…
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Plan Something Special
Celebrate Chol Hamoed with a special trip or a evening out.
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Ushpeezin (oo’shpee’zin)
During the festival of Sukkot, the sukkah is intended to be our second…
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Meant To Be Shared
If you have a sukkah, invite guests to enjoy the holiday with you. If you…
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Everyone Does The Wave
One of the main mitzvot of the holiday of Sukkot is the waving of the four…
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The Perfect Species
At this time of the year, Jews around the globe head out in search of the…
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Purchase Power
Find out from your synagogue where you can purchase a lulav and etrog.
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But Wait…There’s More
Now that the Jewish people have repented on Yom Kippur and, hopefully,…
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Almost Here
Sukkot begins on Wednesday night at sundown. Read Jewish Treats throughout…
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The Food Of Yom Kippur
Food on Yom Kippur? Isn’t Yom Kippur the most famous fast day on the Jewish…
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Remember The Sabbath
For those who need to eat on Yom Kippur (due to medical considerations) or…
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Thou Shalt Not Anoint?
The observance of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, calls for abstention…
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Drink Now
To prepare for the fast, begin drinking plenty of water today.
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