Jewish Treats
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How Does God Rest
On the first six days of creation, God created (Day 1) the heavens and…
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Book It
Stop by the library or borrow a good book from a friend and sit back and…
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A Woman’s Strength
Born in 1859 in Vienna, Bertha Pappenheim was acutely aware of the…
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Your Own Strength
Use your own personal strengths to get involved in the community.
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The concept of forgivable bankruptcy--declaring one’s self legally…
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Put A Bit Away
If you need to repay a loan, create a plan of action (like putting $5 into…
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The Jews of Finland
For most European countries, the history of its Jewish presence begins some…
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Out Of Town
When traveling, find out if there is a Jewish community at your destination…
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Joseph, Son of Jacob
The story of Jacob’s eleventh son is a tale of epic proportion. The…
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With What May We Light
The Friday night synagogue service is actually two separate services,…
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Winter Shabbat
The earliest Shabbats of the year take place in December, so enjoy the long…
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Rachel’s Curse
Reward and punishment are complicated concepts. Suffice it to say that…
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No Foretelling Death
The Talmud in Pesachim 54b lists the day of one’s death as the first of…
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While one cannot know the day of one’s death, it is important to think…
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Mother of Alchemy
While we of the modern world scoff at the ancient alchemists who tried to…
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Science Project
If you like science, take some time to research the history of Jewish…
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Professor Dr. Solomon Schechter
Born to a Chassidic family in Romania, Solomon Schechter (1847-1915) grew…
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Being Proud
Do something today that expresses your pride in being Jewish.
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Caveat Emptor…Let the Buyer Beware (And the Seller Too)
Today is “Black Friday,” the day on which retailers across America try to…
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Shopping For
If you are out shopping, perhaps pick up something special for Shabbat.
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Feast of Gratitude
While the majority of the sacrifices enumerated in the Torah are related to…
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Don’t Forget The Thanks
As you celebrate Thanksgiving today, don't forget to direct some of your…
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Animal Instincts
In their natural habitats, every creature on earth helps create a balance…
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Gleaning Supermarket Aisles
It is nearly time for Thanksgiving, and throughout the United States…
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An Extra Can
Purchase an extra can or two of vegetables to donate to a local food drive.
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The Rabbi’s Mountain
Few rabbis have been honored with having a mountain named for them. But,…
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Build Bridges
Being nice to all people is the simplest way to build interfaith bridges.
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