Jewish Treats
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A Modern Scholar
Respected Biblical commentators are rarely university professors or radio…
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Personal Potential
Never doubt your own potential when it comes to learning Jewish subjects.
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Four Steps of Repentance
In order to fully understand Yom Kippur, it is important to look deeper at…
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Reach Out
Reach out and make amends with people in your workplace as well as with…
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From Holy God to Holy King
On Rosh Hashana, God judges the world (and all the people therein), but…
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Annulment of Vows
“I swear that this time I will lose weight” “I am going to pray every…
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Promises, Promises
Always be aware of the power of the promises that you make--even to…
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The Rosh Hashana tashlich ceremony is a tradition that is dear throughout…
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Make An Outing Of It
If you will be unable to do tashlich on Rosh Hashana, make a Sunday family…
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Symbolic Foods
Since Rosh Hashana is the Day of Judgment, it is customary to eat simanim,*…
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Share Back
Does your family have a special food they eat on Rosh Hashana? Tell us…
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Seeking Selichot
Call your local to synagogue to find out when they have the Selichot…
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God’s Secret Things
In a little over a week, Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, will be…
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Doing Jewish
According to Ethics of the Fathers, the world stands on Torah, Avodah…
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Founder of the Council
It is said that, by nature, women are social creatures. This social, when…
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Peace Unto You
Today is World Peace Day, do something in your community to promote peace…
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The Three Ts
On Rosh Hashana we declare: “Repentance, prayer and charity remove the evil…
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One T At A Time
Focus on one type of action for which you need to do teshuva, such as…
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The Incomplete Repentance
“Repentance” sounds like a grand and powerful word. In truth, the most…
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It’s Up To You
Be sincere in your interactions with both friends and strangers.
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A Song For The Dove
Most songs written for Shabbat (zmirot) focus on either God’s resting from…
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Shabbat Appreciation
Use Shabbat as an opportunity to appreciate nature.
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I Am To My Beloved
The Torah verse that epitomizes the emotions of love is: “Anee l’dodi…
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Whose First Fruits?
When the Oral Law was first codified, most Jews lived in agrarian settings.…
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It’s The Interpretation
From a distance, halacha, Jewish law, appears to be black and white. In…
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Just Ask
If you are uncertain of the exact halacha, ask your local rabbi.
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