Jewish Treats
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Hardened Hearts of a Leader
Upon the recent death of North Korea’s Kim Jong-Il, the press rehashed what…
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Looking For A Snack
When you head for the vending machine, take an extra moment to make certain…
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A Letter of Eliyahu
The collected, and posthumously published, works of renowned rabbis often…
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Look Inside
Pick up a copy of Strive For Truth, for a nice Shabbat read.
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The Mushroom
“Rabbi Gamaliel sat and expounded, ‘The Land of Israel is destined to bring…
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The Food We Eat
Reciting blessings over food provides us with an opportunity to think about…
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If You Thought the Spanish Expulsion Was Bad…
Those familiar with Jewish history are well aware of the expulsion of the…
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Beyond The Basic Word
"Don't steal" seems like an easy commandment, but it includes not stealing…
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Rabbi Dr. Joachim Prinz
Can you name the speaker who preceded Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have…
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Basic Values
Treating every person with respect is a basic Jewish value.
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The Bread of the Sabbath
Challah, known to some as "Jewish bread," is one of the essential elements…
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Holy Whole Wheat?
Add a healthy element to your Shabbat table by using whole wheat challah.
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About The In-Laws
An often stated comment by parents of newly married children is that they…
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Just A Phone Call
Call your mother-in-law and father-in-law just to ask how they are.
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Slavery In The Modern World
Say the word slave and the immediate image that comes to mind is a man or…
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Blessed Is He Who Makes Strange Creatures
One might not think that Jewish Treats would have much to say about…
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An Apology
If you hurt another person’s feelings, make certain your apology is…
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Hebron Purim
Jewish Treats presents to you another local Purim, a day on which one small…
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Bundle Up Others
Buy some extra hats or gloves to donate to a local shelter.
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Resurrection of the Dead
It is required by Jewish law that the body of one who has passed away be…
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The Tenth of Tevet
And it was in the ninth year of [King Zaddekiah’s] reign, in the tenth…
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For The Fast
If you are unable to fast today, take a moment and mark the occasion in…
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The Septuagint
The Talmud (Megillah 9a-b) relates that King Ptolemy II, the Greek king who…
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Today, with the approval of all Jewish authorities, the Torah has been…
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Humiliation Day
Surf the web and you will find that most days on the calendar have been…
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Your Power
You have the power to spare others humiliation just by being careful of the…
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No Such Thing As A Human Herd
The recent social media discussions about the meaning of the Jewish reggae…
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Without Judgement
Look upon everyone without pre-judgement, no matter how they are dressed.
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