Jewish Treats
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Shabbat Clothes
In historical fiction, there are often references to wearing one’s “Sunday…
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“Covet” is a strange word that is rarely used today except to cite the last…
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Your Good Life
Take an honest assessment of the good thing you have and appreciate your…
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Tu biSh’vat is Coming
While it has been a difficult winter for many of us, it may be time to look…
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Potted Plants
Stop by a nursery and purchase a small plant to celebrate Tu biSh'vat.
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The Jews of Charles Dickens
As has been frequently reported, anti-Semitism is on the rise. Beyond…
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As You Can
If you overhear someone make a degrading remark about another person, or…
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One for the Queen (Or Really Three)
During the 45 year reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603), the Jewish…
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Queen’s Prayer
If you are a citizen of the British commonwealth, add an extra prayer for…
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Thoughts for the Heart
February has been designated American Heart Month. For many years, heart…
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Rabbi Eliezer Silver
Historians have noted the seemingly underwhelming response of the American…
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Lullaby and Goodnight
Adding the bedtime Shema to your children’s bedtime routine is a beautiful…
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Diplomacy, Prayer, Action
As every diplomat knows, there is a time to talk, a time to pray and a time…
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What’s in the Book- the Twelve Prophets – Micah
The Book of Micah contains prophecy directed at both Samaria (Israel) and…
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Extra Fare
If you see someone scrounging for bus fare, help out with a spare quarter…
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Nice Invitations
“Rabbi Meir used to say: A man should not urge his friend to dine with him…
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Returns on Sincerity
If you wish to impress, take the time to get to know the person whom you…
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Destructive M’lachot?
The laws of guarding Shabbat guarantee that the Jewish people will maintain…
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Where To Wear Tefillin
While Jewish Treats has previously discussed the requirements for kosher…
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Lending Friend
If a friend is without a pair of tefillin, allow him to put yours on.
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Thoughts on Shevat
Although the Torah implies that Abraham and his descendants are removed…
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Essential Sharing
Sharing Jewish Treats is a great way to help others discover Jewish…
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Two Jews and the 501 Blues
Most people own at least one pair of jeans, if not several. The original,…
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Clothing Choices
The clothes you wear represent who you are. Take pride in how you dress.
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Blood Is Life
January has been labeled National Blood Donor Month, making it an ideal…
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Blood Drive
Next time you hear about a blood drive, don’t hesitate - participate.
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