Purim Again
Unique to the Jewish calendar, the festival of Purim is actually observed…
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A Joyous Erev Shabbat
As our fellow Jews celebrate Shushan Purim in Jerusalem, and we prepare for…
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Who Was Mordechai?
There are some people in this world who always seem to be right in the…
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Celebrate Purim
As today is Purim, remember to give matanot laevyonim, gifts to the poor,…
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The Four Mitzvot of Purim
This year, Purim will be celebrated beginning this evening, March 16th…
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An Especially Meaningful Purim
Consider following a directive from Maimonides for the celebration of…
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The Fast of Esther
Tomorrow, the 13th of Adar, is the Fast of Esther. “Go, gather together all…
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Mark Your Calendar
As the joyous celebration of Purim begins on Wednesday evening, immediately…
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The History Around Purim
The story of Purim takes place at the very end of the era known in Jewish…
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Study the History of Persian/Iranian Jews
Make the effort to study the history of the Jewish presence in Persia and…
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The Sabbath of Remembering
This Shabbat is Shabbat Parashat Zachor, the Sabbath of Remembering. The…
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Moses’ Impact on Jewish Life
Prepare for Parsahat Zachor this Shabbat and for Purim this coming…
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The Birth and Death of Moses
One of the 13 principles of faith according to Maimonides is believing that…
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Moses’ Impact on Jewish Life
Whether one observes the 7th of Adar as Moses' yahrzeit (anniversary of his…
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The Purim Story in Under 300 Words
At the end of a 180-day feast, the King of Persia-Medea, Achashverosh,…
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Get Ready for Purim
To prepare for Purim, register today to attend Rabbi Buchwald’s free…
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The Mother of Women’s Basketball
As today is International Women’s Day, Jewish Treats highlights some of the…
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Good Fitness
Make sure to exercise regularly as the Torah reminds us to care for…
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Finally Buried
On the 4th of Adar 1307, the Maharam of Rothenburg was buried in the Jewish…
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Great Jewish Scholars
Study the history of great Jewish scholars, who, throughout the…
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When Adar Begins
The month of the second Adar begins today as this year on the Jewish…
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Let the Joy In
Begin the joyous celebration of the month of Adar II by welcoming Shabbat…
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Sisterhood Power
Carrie Obendorfer (1872-1961) knew the power, joy and motivation of…
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The Sisterhood
Recognize the positive contributions made by synagogue sisterhoods upon…
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The Most Popular Non-Holiday Event on Jewish Calendars
This Friday night is the 26th annual Shabbat Across America and Canada.…
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The Gift That Keeps on Giving
Register to participate in SHABBAT ACROSS AMERICA AND CANADA at Home to…
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The Reluctant Rabbi
Rabbi Sholom Mordechai Schwadron (1835-1911) learned modesty and dedication…
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How Fortunate
Recognize how fortunate the Jewish people are to have had such Torah…
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The Green Mountain State
Aside from Senator Bernie Sanders, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield – aka…
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Know Your Jewish History
Before you pack your skis and snow gear for your trip to ski country, read…
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