Be a good listener by not assuming you know someone else’s pain.
It is especially important to join together and empathize with our brothers and sisters who are in pain. Since October 7, 2023, Jews the world over have recited Tehillim (Psalms) and prayed for the welfare of the hostages, the injured and for the brave soldiers, notwithstanding that many do not live in Israel and are not directly impacted by the ongoing war. Likewise, in ancient Egypt, the Tribe of Levi, although not directly impacted by the enslavement of the Jewish people, nevertheless stepped forward in demonstrative ways to empathize with the Jewish people who were suffering.
To develop a deeper appreciation for the way to act in difficult situations, read this illuminating analysis entitled, “Participating in the Communal Pain” from Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald’s Torah message for Va’eira 5778-2018 Out of respect for Shabbat, please consider printing it on Friday afternoon if you plan to read it on Shabbat
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