With numerous visits each year from commercial tankers, passenger cruise ships, and even the U.S. Navy’s Sixth Fleet, Theodor Herzl’s vision of Haifa becoming a commercial port has certainly been realized.

The 10th Mishna in the second chapter of Pirkei Avot, Ethics of the Fathers lists many of the good character traits that a person should pursue. Rabbi Shimon says “haroeh et hanolad“, to see what is born out of one’s actions. A simple explanation is that a wise person is blessed with the character trait enabling them to anticipate the future, something that Theodor Herzl perhaps achieved when he visualized the commercial port of Haifa in modern day Israel.

Join thousands around the world who will be studying the second chapter of Ethics of our Fathers this Shabbat. Print out your copy before Shabbat and enjoy a truly uplifting learning experience.