- U.S. armed forces
- U.S. Military
- U.S.S. Arizona
- uahc
- udaism
- uestions
- UFOs
- uganda
- Ugli Fruit
- ugly
- ukrain
- ukraine
- ultimate challenge
- ultimate evil
- ultimate forgiveness
- ultimate hero
- ultimate ideal
- ultimate Jew
- ultimate Jewish leader
- ultimate redeemer
- ultimate redemption
- ultimate values
- ulysses Grant
- Umberto Cassuto
- unaffiliated Jews
- unauthorized offering
- unblemished male goat
- unbridled love for Israel
- unbridled resentment
- unclean
- unconditional love
- uncover the nakedness
- understand
- understanding
- unfair competition
- unfortunate wife
- unicorn
- unification
- unified
- uniform
- unintentional
- union
- unions
- unique flaws
- uniqueness
- united community
- united Jewish family
- United Kingdom
- united nation
- United nations
- United Nations General Assembly
- United States
- United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
- United States Navy
- United Synagogue of America
- unity
- unity of G-d
- unity of Israel
- unity of the Jewish people
- universal Children's day
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- universal education
- universal Jewish education
- universal providence
- universe
- University of Detroit
- university of judaism
- unleavened bread
- unloved
- unmarried women and men
- unpredictable
- unresolved relationship
- unrestrained passion and immoral behavior
- unsolved murder
- unsung hero
- unusual
- unveiling
- upheaval of Sodom and Gomorah
- Upper West Side
- uprising
- upsherin
- urban sprawl
- uriah
- Uriah Levy
- uriah P. Levy
- Uriel
- urim
- Urim and Tumim
- Urim and Turim
- Urim V'tumim
- urj
- Ur Kasdim
- Uruguay
- uscj
- us currency
- useful arts
- ushpeezin
- ushpezin
- US Supreme Justice
- usury
- utah
- Utopia
- utopian
- utopian conditions
- Uzzah