Kee Tavo 5784-2024
“Contemporary Implication of an Ancient Ritual”
(updated and revised from Kee Tavo 5765-2005)
In this week’s parasha, we read of the formula of confession that the Israelite farmer of old recited when he redeemed his tithes, declaring that he hasn’t given in grief, impurely, or to the dead. While the vast majority of Jews no longer work as farmers, the statement recited by the ancient Israelites is relevant today to those who wish to properly redeem their charitable commitments. There is much that may be learned from this ancient ritual.
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Behar-Bechukotai 5781-2021
“The Extraordinary Mitzvah of Tzedakah--Charity”
(updated and revised from Behar-Bechukotai 5762-2002)
The word tzedakah, does not mean charity, but rather justice and righteousness. It is not an act of charity to be generous, it is the correct thing to do.
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Re’eh 5779-2019
“Charity! The Investment That Keeps Giving”
(Revised and updated from Re’eh 5760-2000)
A major theme of this week’s parasha concerns how to deal with the impoverished members of the Jewish community. Rather than an act of kindness, the Torah regards “charity” as the right thing to do and a fundamental concept of life and morality.
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Terumah 5776-2016
“Charity–the Only True Possession”
Parshat Terumah teaches that the only eternal possessions are those that are given away as charitable gifts.
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Re’eh 5774-2014
“Giving Charity Kindly and Generously”
The Torah introduced the revolutionary concept of charity to the world. Despite its virtually universal acceptance today, it was not always looked upon favorably in many societies.
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