Lech Lecha 5777-2016
“Abram’s Dispute with Lot”
The dispute between the shepherds of Abram and those of Lot was far more than a quarrel over land and possessions. It was due to basic and fundamental philosophical differences regarding ethics and values between Abram and his nephew.
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Noah 5777-2016
“Why was the World Destroyed by a Flood?”
Why was the world destroyed specifically by a flood rather than other methods that are at G-d’s disposal?
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Bereshith 5777-2016
“The Decline and Fall of Humankind”
In parashat Bereshith we encounter the complicated and esoteric relationship between the בְנֵי הָאֱלֹהִים (Sons of G-d) and the daughters of man, that leads to the downfall of humankind.
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Sukkot II 5777-2016
“Why is Sukkot Celebrated in the Fall rather than in the Spring?”
Why is Sukkot celebrated in the fall rather than in the spring?
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Haazinu/Sukkot 5777-2016
“Sukkot: Enveloping Israel in G-d’s Loving-kindness”
As an eagle hovers over its young to protect them, so does G-d Al-mighty hover over His people Israel, in love and with kindness, protecting them in His Sukkah from the howling winds of the wilderness, and the threats of Israel’s determined enemies.
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