Kee Tavo 5776-2016
“The Power of the Word אָמֵן--‘Amen’”
The common Hebrew word אָמֵן--“Amen,” has a long and colorful history. Its importance cannot be overstated.
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Kee Teitzei 5776-2016
“The Mitzvah of Burying the Dead”
Although it seems odd, the requirement to provide a proper, respectful and swift burial for the deceased is derived from the law of a capital criminal who executed for his vile actions. Its unusual origin, only underscores its importance.
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Shoftim 5776-2016
“The Dangers of Pridefulness"
The rabbis learn the danger of pridefulness for all, from the verse in parashat Shoftim warning the Jewish king not to be prideful.
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Re’eh 5776-2016
“Preserving the Sanctity of Sacred Objects and Sacred Ideas"
The land of Israel, is only one part of the “cult of sanctity” that is central to the Jewish faith. It is, therefore, quite logical to treat all of Judaism’s central features and traditions with utmost awe and sanctity.
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Eikev 5776-2016
“Caring for the Weak and the Vulnerable"
Many, if not most of the mitzvot of the Torah are revolutionary. Yet, perhaps none is more remarkable than the mitzvah to love the stranger, and caring for the weak and the vulnerable.
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