Vayakhel-Pekudei 5775-2015
“Bringing Heaven Down To Earth”
The Biblical narrative describing the final erecting of the Tabernacle teaches that human beings can indeed build an earthly dwelling place for the Divine Presence, and they can even bring the Divine Presence down to earth.
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Kee Tisah 5775-2015
“Aaron, What Did This People Do To You?”
The biblical narrative seems to portray Aaron as a collaborator with the people of Israel in the sinful worship of the Golden Calf. Actually, Moses and Aaron play a very delicate balancing act of leadership in order to prevent the people from total destruction for their wayward ways.
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Tetzaveh 5775-2015
“The High Priest Wears the Names of Israel on His Heart”
The commentators suggest that while the priestly vestments serve to identify a priest, they also represent important ideas and messages that are reflected in the garments and have bearing on the priests’ actions and duties.
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