Yitro 5775-2015
“I Shall Come to You and Bless You”
There are many important lessons to be learned from the verse in parashat Yitro: “Wherever I cause My Name to be mentioned, I shall come to you and bless you.”
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B’shalach 5775-2015
“One Heart, as One Man”
Israel’s enemies have mastered the art of enmity. The most effective response to this enmity must be the unity of the People of Israel.
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Bo 5775-2015
“The Intuitive Jew”
Since the thirst for the Al-mighty can never be fully sated, a Jew must strive to become an “Intuitive Jew.”
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Va’eira 5775-2015
“The Measure of Brotherly Love”
Why does Scripture delve into the genealogy of Moses and Aaron with such detail?
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Shemot 5775-2015
"Moses--The Mysterious Early Years"
The Torah narrative tells little about Moses’ formative years. Rabbi Eliyahu Kitov, the extraordinary commentator and compiler, fills in many of the details of Moses’ life by gathering Midrashim from many sources, reconciling them and reconstructing the early years of the life of Moses.
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