Acharei Mot 5771-2011
"The Unfathomable Practice of Molech Worship"
After presenting an extensive list of prohibited marital and family relationships, the Torah, in parashat Acharei Mot, concludes with specific prohibitions against Molech worship, sodomy and bestiality. What was Molech? How was it practiced? Did Jews actually engage in this horrendous form of idolatry?
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Metzora 5771-2011
"We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident"
Notwithstanding the uniqueness of the Declaration of Independence, the idea that certain concepts and ideas are truly “self-evident,” is not an original Jeffersonian concept. The Torah is filled with concepts and ideas that are regarded as self-evident.
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Tazria 5771-2011
“Childbirth and Ritual Impurity”
In face of the great challenges that young mothers face, every birth brings trauma, fear, lack of confidence. Scripture states that when a woman bears a child, she shall be impure. But when that period ends, there is re-entry and welcoming, in the fullest sense.
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Shemini 5771-2011
“The Death of Aaron’s Sons: The Midrashic Perspective”
The Midrash labors, at great length, to develop a context for the great tragedy that befell Aaron’s family on the “eighth day.”
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Tzav-Purim 5771-2011
“Shabbat and Purim”
This year, the festival of Purim begins at the conclusion of Shabbat. A careful review of the Book of Esther reveals a number of fascinating connections between the story of Purim and the holy day of Shabbat.
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