Tazria 5771-2011
“Childbirth and Ritual Impurity”
In face of the great challenges that young mothers face, every birth brings trauma, fear, lack of confidence. Scripture states that when a woman bears a child, she shall be impure. But when that period ends, there is re-entry and welcoming, in the fullest sense.
0 Comments8 Minutes
Shemini 5771-2011
“The Death of Aaron’s Sons: The Midrashic Perspective”
The Midrash labors, at great length, to develop a context for the great tragedy that befell Aaron’s family on the “eighth day.”
0 Comments13 Minutes
Tzav-Purim 5771-2011
“Shabbat and Purim”
This year, the festival of Purim begins at the conclusion of Shabbat. A careful review of the Book of Esther reveals a number of fascinating connections between the story of Purim and the holy day of Shabbat.
0 Comments12 Minutes
Vayikra 5771-2011
"No Leaven or Honey on the Altar"
Once the Torah prescribes the procedures for the various fine flour offerings, Scripture warns that none of the offerings may be brought on the altar together with leaven or with honey. What is the reason for this odd prohibition?
0 Comments7 Minutes
Pekudei 5771-2011
"The Meaning of the Priestly Vestments"
Not only do each of the eight priestly vestments have profound symbolic meanings, but even the way the garments are worn is meant to convey a life lesson to the priests and the people whom they serve.
0 Comments9 Minutes