Bechukotai 5771-2011
"Peace--The Greatest of All Blessings"
G-d’s reproof of the Jewish people always begins with abundant blessings. The series of blessings that precede the reproof in parashat Bechukotai conclude with perhaps the most exalted of all blessings–-the blessing of peace.
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Behar-Yom Ha’atzmaut 5771-2011
"A State is not Delivered on a Silver Platter"
One of the most moving stories to be told regarding the contemporary State of Israel, concerns a great European rabbi, Rabbi Yisroel Zeev Gustman and a famed professor of economics, Robert J. Aumann.
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Emor 5771-2011
"Sanctifying and Defiling G-d’s Name"
Two prominent laws are found in parashat Emor that serve as foremost guideposts for the proper behavior of the Jewish people. Kiddush Hashem calls for the sanctification of G-d’s name. Hillul Hashem forbids the profanation and desecration of G-d’s name.
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Kedoshim 5771-2011
“Judaism’s Radical Notion of Holiness”
In the closing verses of this week’s parasha, G-d calls out to His people: “And you shall be holy to Me because I, your L-rd, am holy.” This is the ultimate human challenge--and the ultimate human calling.
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Passover 5771-2011
“At the Passover Seder We Are All Children”
Children play a central part in the Passover story. The Passover seder is therefore designed to serve as a communal learning experience where everyone is regarded as a child and a student.
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