Shavuot 5770-2010
"The Gift that Keeps on Giving"
How fortunate are we, Israel, to have received the gift of Torah, from the Al-mighty. Shavuot is the holiday on which we embrace Torah, as if we are receiving it for the very first time.
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Bamidbar 5770-2010
"The Meaning of the Wilderness"
The midbar-wilderness, is a dry and abandoned location, a place where the Divine presence of G-d appears to be absent. Yet, the very opposite is true! G-d is close and extremely accessible even in the most remote places and circumstances!
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Behar-Bechukotai 5770-2010
"Making a Reckoning"
How does the Torah regard the rights and property of non-Jews? In parashat Behar we learn of a remarkable law that protects the rights of a non-Jew even in a situation where the welfare and security of a Jew might be thought to override those rights.
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Emor 5770-2010
"Striving For Perfection"
Much of parashat Emor speaks of holiness, faultlessness, striving for perfection and the proper observance of the holy days. Have we lost the desire to reach perfection in the modern world?
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Acharei Mot-Kedoshim 5770-2010
"Loving Thy Neighbor"
The Torah's statement bidding the Jewish people to love one's neighbor as oneself is universally regarded as one of the greatest pronouncements of human morality. Nevertheless, it has been the subject of much vitriolic criticism.
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