Pekudei 5771-2011
"The Meaning of the Priestly Vestments"
Not only do each of the eight priestly vestments have profound symbolic meanings, but even the way the garments are worn is meant to convey a life lesson to the priests and the people whom they serve.
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Vayakhel 5771-2011
"Straying from Lofty Spiritual Moorings"
Not everybody is impressed by the people of Israel’s generosity when donating to the Tabernacle. One sage maintains that the people gave far more willingly to the Golden Calf than to the Tabernacle. Might this be an unredeemable stain on the people’s record?
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Kee Tisah 5771-2011
"The Thirteen Attributes of G-d’s Mercy"
After the sin of the Golden Calf, G-d forgives the people and pronounces what are known as the “13 Attributes of G-d’s Mercy.” These “13 Attributes” are considered the most exalted prayer that a Jew may utter when beseeching G-d for mercy. It is important to know the intended meanings of these fateful words.
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Tetzaveh 5771-2011
"Do Clothes Make The Man?"
Just as the ancient priests, who served in the Temple, wore special vestments, so should every Jew be dressed in a special way, to reflect their spiritual roles as servants of the Al-mighty.
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Terumah 5771-2011
"The Message of the Holy Ark"
From a mere biblical reference about covering the acacia wood of the Ark with gold on the inside and outside, our rabbis derive an entire philosophy of life regarding sincerity and honesty.
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