Korach 5771-2011
“The Preciousness of Peace”
Because of the focus on the viciousness of the rebellion of Korach and his cohorts, few recognize the tireless efforts of Moses and Aaron to dissuade the rebels from rebelling and save them from destruction.
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Shelach 5771-2011
"Challah–-All Possessions Are From the L-rd"
Why do the laws regarding idolatry in the Torah follow the portion regarding the mitzvah of “Challah” (giving a portion of dough to the priests)? The Midrash suggests that it comes to teach that fulfilling the mitzvah of Challah serves as a powerful denial of the efficacy of idolatry.
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Naso 5771-2011
"Finding Variety in the Seemingly Identical"
Even though, each day, identical gifts were delivered at the dedication ceremony of the Tabernacle by another of the 12 tribal princes, each prince felt the very special individual significance of his own tribe’s gift.
0 Comments16 Minutes
Bamidbar 5771-2011
“Good Neighbors and Bad Neighbors”
The commentators explain that there are different ways in which good neighbors and bad neighbors impact upon those who live nearby.
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