Yitro 5784-2024
“Jethro’s Advice to an Overburdened Leader”
(updated and revised from Yitro 5765-2005)
Jethro warns his son-in-law, Moses, that he is in danger of experiencing burn out by biting off more than he can chew. It takes a great man like Moses to heed Jethro's difficult advice and share the leadership responsibilities with others. The well-being of the People of Israel was always Moses's utmost concern. Hence, his decision to delegate authority resulted in great benefit for the People of Israel.
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B’shalach 5784-2024
“Vah’chah’moo’shim--A Call to Arms?”
(updated and revised from B’shalach 5765-2005)
In parashat B'shalach the Torah informs us that the Israelites went out of Egypt, "chah'moo'shim," usually translated as "armed." "chah'moo'shim," however is a word that has many interpretations and many deep and subtle meanings that teach us that much more than physical/military defense is needed to protect the Jewish people.
0 Comments12 Minutes
Bo 5784-2024
“The More Things Change...”
(updated and revised from Bo 5764-2004)
In the last moments of their ‘sojourn” in the Egypt where they were held them in bondage for hundreds of years, the Israelites are told to gather gold and silver from their former Egyptian masters. To the casual observer it appears that the Jews are vengefully looting Egypt. Perhaps, though, the fulfillment of this command represents the mental journey that the Jews must travel from slavery to freedom, or compensation for the years of slavery and the property they had to leave in Egypt.
0 Comments14 Minutes
Va’eira 5784-2024
“The Names of G-d and their Meanings”
(updated and revised from Va’eira 5764-2004)
The names of G-d are many, each revealing to the world a different aspect of the Creator. In this parasha, the universe's understanding of G-d is heightened by Moses to a level never before conceived, even by the patriarchs. After Moses, the world's notion of G-d is never to be the same.
0 Comments11 Minutes
Shemot 5784-2024
“The Message of the Burning Bush”
(updated and revised from Shemot 5764-2004)
Why does G-d choose to reveal Himself to the world's greatest prophet from the midst of a burning bush? What lessons reside in the endowments of a small thornbush that are reflected in the manifestation of the Divine presence? It is a message of humility on G-d's part, and a means of elevating all His people.
0 Comments6 Minutes