Mishpatim 5785-2025
“We will Do and We will Obey”
(updated and revised from Mishpatim 5766-2006)
Although most of parashat Mishpatim deals with the administration of civil justice, the end of the parasha returns to the theme of the Divine Revelation, where the people pronounce “Na’ah’seh v’nish’mah,” “we will do and we will obey.” More than obey, “nishmah” means “we will understand.” It is this struggle for understanding, that is perhaps most relevant to Jewish observance in the 21st century.
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Yitro 5785-2025
“Sanctify Them, Today and Tomorrow”
(updated and revised from Yitro 5766-2006)
In parashat Yitro we read of the Revelation at Sinai, and the special preparations the people had to make for the Revelation. G-d tells Moses to inform the people that they should be sanctified “today and tomorrow.” Our commentators state that “today” may be easy to remain sanctified, but “tomorrow” is not always easy. This message applies not only to the generation of the revelation at Sinai, but to us as well. The tests that the ancients faced, are, in fact, very much the same challenges that we face today in the 21st century.
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B’shalach 5785-2025
“The Bones of Joseph”
(updated and revised from B’shalach 5766-2006)
With the more than 2-1/2 million people waiting to be rescued, and thousands of logistical details to review, Moses diverts his attention from the people, to personally attend to the removal and transport of the bones of Joseph from Egypt to Canaan. From this act of unconditional love performed by Moses our leader, our commentators derive many important lessons regarding effective leadership
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Bo 5785-2025
Bo 5785-2025
“Opening their Hearts, so they can Hear”
(updated and revised from Bo 5765-2005)
Among the many fascinating verses of Parashat Bo, we find the actual sources of three of the four sons that are recorded in the Passover Haggadah. There is a profound lesson to be learned from all the Biblical sources, but especially the verses that apply to the Rasha, the, so-called, “prodigal child.”
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Va’eira 5785-2025
Va’eira 5785-2025
“Teaching a New Reality About Divine Power Through the Ten Plagues”
(updated and revised from Va’eira 5765-2004)
The ten plagues are not ten random events. They are carefully structured symbols that come to negate contemporary Egyptian beliefs, and teach very powerful lessons about faith in G-d and G-d’s ultimate power. The ten plagues also successfully work to discredit the power of the chartoomim and chachamim, Pharaoh’s sorcerers and wise men.
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