Noah 5785-2024
“Eleven Lessons from Noah’s Ark”
(updated and revised from Noah 5765-2004)
There are many lessons that we may learn from Noah and his ark that come from many different sources. This improbable message from the internet, shares with us eleven important life lessons that may be derived from Noah’s ark.
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Bereshith 5785-2024
“P’roo ur’voo,--Jewish Attitudes Toward Procreation”
(updated and revised from Bereshith-Simchat Torah 5765-2004)
As we once again begin the Book of Genesis, we learn about the central mitzvah of procreation, "p’roo ur’voo," (Genesis 1:28). Judaism diverges from much of Christianity in its forthright and positive attitude towards sexuality. Not only is bearing children a mitzvah in Judaism, but even pleasure in sexuality is a mitzvah. Furthermore, even those who are not blessed with children can bear spiritual fruit, by becoming teachers of Torah or by supporting the study of Torah.
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Sukkot 5785-2024
“Sukkot - The Festival of Joy”
(updated and revised from Sukkot I 5767-2006)
The holiday of Sukkot, known as the “Festival of Joy,” was renowned in ancient times for its most festive celebration of Simchat Beit Hashoeva, the festival of the water libation. Around the year 95 B.C.E. when the King of Judea, Alexander Yannai, attempted to change the ritual of water libation, he was pelted by the traditionalists, leading to a massacre of many of the celebrants. While even the minute detail of the Sukkot rituals were sacred to the ancients, unfortunately, most contemporary Jews fail to celebrate Sukkot in any manner, and know absolutely nothing of this very special joyous festival.
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Yom Kippur 5785-2024
“G-d’s Gift to His People on Yom Kippur”
(updated and revised from Yom Kippur 5765-2004)
One expects sinners and criminals to pay for their sins and crimes, either by way of monetary assessment or physical punishment such as lashes or incarceration. And yet, the Divine method of judgment is so different. When the Al-mighty grants forgiveness, He wipes the slate clean and says, “You’ve sinned, you’ve trespassed--just don’t do it anymore.” There is no expectation of compensation or further punishment. Forgiveness has been granted! It is a Divine gift based purely on G-d’s love for His people.
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Rosh Hashana/Haazinu 5785-2024
“Jewish Normal, Is Not Very Normal”
(updated and revised from Haazinu-Rosh Hashana 5774-2013)
We live in remarkable times, anomalous times, times that have no precedent in all of Jewish history. Experiences of relative peace and tranquility can hardly be called the “Jewish normal.”
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Nitzavim-Vayeilech 5784-2024
“Choosing Life”
(updated and revised from Nitzavim-Vayeilech 5763-2003)
In parashat Nitzavim, the Al-mighty begs his children to "choose life." Judaism believes that "healthy guilt" allows us to override our defense mechanisms and helps us acknowledge the changes that we need to make in order to improve our lives, to perfect our situation and to choose life.
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