Vayigash 5771-2010
“When a Jew Goes Down to Egypt”
How is it that for 22 years, the second most powerful person in Egypt never found the opportunity to visit the land of Canaan if only to see his beloved father and family, from whom he had been so brutally separated?
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Vayishlach 5771-2010
“The Power of a Vow”
After 22 years, Jacob returns to Beth-El, the scene of his memorable “ladder” dream, where he had vowed (Genesis 28:20-22), that Beth-El would become the site of G-d’s house. Many commentators are troubled by Jacob’s failure to discharge his obligation, or to even acknowledge his commitment.
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Vayeitzei 5771-2010
"The Hated Wife”
Is it possible that the great patriarch, Jacob, actually “hated” his wife? The commentators wrestle with this issue.
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Vayechi 5770-2009
"Rachel's Burial Place in Bethlehem"
Jacob interrupts a most important message to his son Joseph by recalling his failure to bury Rachel in Hebron. What could possibly have been his motivation?
0 Comments7 Minutes
Vayeitzei 5770-2009
"Punishment Awaits the Evildoers"
The great contemporary Bible commentator, Nehama Leibowitz brilliantly points out that Jacob's deception at the hands of Laban is actually a punishment for deceiving his own father, and for stealing his brother's blessings. Perhaps it's time for the leaders and members of all faiths to speak out against evil and deception within their own religious ranks.
0 Comments12 Minutes
Bamidbar 5769-2009
"Bringing Order to the Camp of Israel"
When it came to setting up the camp of Israel in the wilderness, two influences were significant. The angels at Sinai who surrounded G-d, and the directives that Jacob bequeathed to his children at the time of his death. Establishing healthy and secure family relationships often requires Divine intervention, but the human role must not be underestimated.
0 Comments12 Minutes
Vayechi 5769-2009
"Blessing the Children"
There is no greater joy for parents than to bask in the blessings of one's children. Unfortunately, there is no greater pain that one can endure than the shame brought upon one's family and on the family of humankind by our children.
0 Comments9 Minutes