Shemot 5764-2004
"The Message of the Burning Bush"
Why does G-d choose to reveal Himself to the world's greatest prophet from the midst of a burning bush? What lessons reside in the endowments of a small thornbush that are reflected in the manifestation of the Divine presence? It is a message of humility on G-d's part, and a means of elevating all of His people.
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Vayeitzei 5764-2003
"In Praise of Humility"
Perhaps, the greatness of Jacob, our forefather, lies in the fact that he recognized the need to "nullify" himself before G-d in order to come ever closer to Him. Humility, seeing who one really is in relation to G-d, and removing one's ego from the picture, is a trait that is aspired to in every generation by Jewish leaders and laymen alike.
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Vayikra 5761- 2001
"Moses, the Leader with a Calling"
Moses' commitment to serve as G-d's messenger was thorough and complete. It was therefore no accident that G-d spoke to him, or through him. It was not a happening and not a coincidence. It was the very essence of Moses' life and the ultimate purpose of his being. It was his calling.
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Vayeishev 5761-2000
"The Coming of Age of Joseph: From Lad to Bechor"
When first introduced to Joseph, we are told that he is 17 years old, and a lad. It is Joseph's struggle to mature and become less self-centered that is the real story of Joseph. Joseph eventually overcomes his immaturity and vindictiveness. He becomes a person of compassion and forgiveness, no longer the self-centered teenager who sees the world only through his own eyes. Joseph now emerges as the bechor, the first born, and the rightful heir of Israel.
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