“Lost Penny Day,” which is today, coincides with the February 12th birthday of President Abraham Lincoln, whose image has adorned the U.S. penny since its institution in the U.S. currency on February 12, 1909, the centennial of the birth of “Honest Abe.”
“Eventologist” Adrienne Sioux Koopersmith founded “Lost Penny Day” to demonstrate that petty change can often make a big difference, especially when donated to a worthy charity.
Other “coin” activities include flipping a coin to make a decision and throwing pennies into a fountain as a wish is made.
While pennies have been in the news over the last few days as debates swirl over whether or not they should still be printed by the U.S. Mint, it is important to point out that there are two pertinent Torah thoughts that are relevant to pennies, the lowest value coin in United States currency.
Jewish marriage is facilitated when the groom gives the bride an object worth a perutah with an implied matrimonial intent. Halacha deemed a perutah to be the smallest denomination in a country’s currency (see Talmud Bava Metzia 55a and Kiddushin 12a). In the United States and Canada, that would be a penny. (Please note that while a Jewish wedding can be considered valid with the transfer of an object worth only a single penny from the groom to the bride, long-standing Jewish tradition has the groom give the bride a simple ring to legally effect a Jewish marriage.)
A person is obliged biblically to return a lost object that is worth a perutah. In addition, an individual ought to provide a minimum of a perutah to a legitimately impoverished person when they ask for alms. There are other rituals which use the value of a perutah as a legal criterion.
Second, relating to the insignificance of pennies that “Lost Penny Day” attempts to rectify, an observation in Rashi’s commentary of the Bible is particularly pertinent. When Jacob returned from the house of Laban with his large family, he is told that his estranged brother Esau was approaching with a large army. The Torah then relates: “Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until the break of dawn” (Genesis 32:25). Why was Jacob “left alone?” Citing a Talmudic passage (Chulin 91a), Rashi relates that Jacob returned to cross the Yabok River in order to retrieve small jugs that he had left on the other side. Rashi concludes that the lesson taught by this action is that the righteous are judicious regarding even the most insignificant items of their personal belongings, even disposable jugs. This too pertains to the limited value of pennies.
NOTE: As with all Treats dealing with issues of halacha (points of Jewish law), be sure to consult your local rabbi for practical application.
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