Berlin’s Hildesheimer Rabbinical Seminary

On May 11, 1820, a child was born in Prussia who would, as a grown man, almost single-handedly change the face of German Jewry. Rabbi Azriel Hildesheimer attended yeshiva in Hanover, and,…

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The Jew Who Played for Germany

It is impossible to imagine what the thoughts of Rudi Victor Ball were when high ranking Nazi officials asked him to rejoin his German ice hockey teammates and play for Germany in the…

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Blue Laws and the Supreme Court

In honor of the first session of the United States Supreme Court (February 2, 1790), Jewish Treats looks at one of the first Jewish issues brought before the Supreme Court Justices: Blue…

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Word Magic

Did you know that the origin of the magical word “Abracadabra” is Hebrew? Well, it is! Therefore, you may enjoy today’s Jewish Treat highlighting the etymological connection of some…

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The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, which is famous for its month-long resistance struggle against the Germans in April/May of 1943, actually began with an initial uprising on 12 Shevat 5703…

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Eliezer Ben Yehuda, the Father of Modern Hebrew

The official language of Israel is Hebrew, but until the end of the 19th century, almost no one spoke Hebrew colloquially. Lashon Hakodesh, the holy tongue, was used only for prayer and…

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Jewish Identity

Research the distinctive backgrounds of those who first came to the U.S. and settled the southwestern United States in states such as New Mexico.

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Bo 5782-2022

“Rituals Work, Rituals Work!” (updated and revised from Bo 5762-2002) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Bo, describes the final three plagues: locusts, darkness…

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This Tomato Was Grown Where?

The view of Judaism is that humankind has the unique ability to synthesize the physical and the spiritual elements of life. Hence, Jewish law requires a person to recite a blessing over…

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Winter/Spring Hebrew Reading Classes on Zoom

Hebrew Crash Courses on ZoomJoin NJOP for two great Hebrew classes on Zoom! UNCODE.initRow(document.getElementById("row-unique-0"));
