Safe Travels

A component of safe travels is to pray for a successful journey. Be sure to take all traveling precautions and remember to pray as well.

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The Jewish Contribution to a Fledgling Nation

Today, on Independence Day, study American history to better appreciate the important contributions made by American Jews to business and commerce during the early years of this country…

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Save a Life

If you are able, train to become an EMT or paramedic, and please consider volunteering, if your local Jewish community has an organized Hatzalah, an organization that offers life-saving…

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Appreciate Freedom

Study history and develop an appreciation of how fortunate we are to live in a country where we can utilize our God-given talent without fear of the consequences.

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Punish Fairly

If and when we need to punish for bad action, try to make the punishment fit the crime. An added bonus would be to actually learn something from the punishment.

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Positive Change

Given the numerous tragedies that have befallen the Jewish people throughout the centuries on Tisha b'Av, it is proper to contemplate what we each can do in our own lives to improve our…

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The fast of Tisha b’Av begins tomorrow night. Begin preparing by increasing your intake of food and water.

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Words Matter

Today, on Tisha b’Av, when we commemorate the destruction of both Temples in Jerusalem, the second of which was destroyed because of baseless hatred, it behooves us to carefully consider…

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Leading by Example

Learn more about much-admired philanthropists like Moses Montefiore who not only support, but, also perform good deeds on behalf of the Jewish community, and emulate their ways.

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For Animals’ Sake

Before adopting a pet, think carefully if you have the time and capacity to care for it properly.

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