Sad Reality

Unfortunately, in some countries, threats of violence and violence itself, has lead many who once felt safe, to emigrate to other countries in search of a safer haven to live freely as…

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Different Yet Valid Approaches

Study the history of both the Mitnagdic (non-Chassidic) and the Chassidic world in order to better appreciate two different approaches to worshipping God.

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Rabbi Buchwald on Purim

Rabbi BuchwaldOn Purim Let Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald, Founder and Director of NJOP, take you through some of the essential…

Shavuot Prep 101 Web Series

Shavuot Prep 101Web Series Welcome to NJOP’s Shavuot Prep web series featuring Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald, Founder and Director…

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Making An Impact

Study the history of Jews who have settled in a particular country to better appreciate the challenges and triumphs when trying to establish a foothold in a new land.

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