The Coming of the Messiah

Pray for the coming of the Messiah, speedily in our days. Citing the Midrash, Rashi, in this week’s Torah portion, Vayechi, explains that our Forefather Jacob wanted to reveal to his…

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Seek Out The Positive

An ethical dilemma: A close friend confides in you that he/she recently purchased an expensive, one-of-a-kind, nonreturnable item. When he/she shows it to you, you are immediately aware…

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Everyday Miracles

While the manna that descended from heaven was certainly miraculous, recognize how many miracles occur all around us on any given day. The manna that the Jewish nation received each day…

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Whether the English "Remember," the Hebrew "Zachor" or the Yiddish "G'denk," it is a sacred obligation of all Jews to remember our past in order to move forward meaningfully into any…

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Say a Little Prayer

Never hesitate to pray for those in need, even if it is just uttering an on-the-spot request. Prayer is clearly an essential part of the process of seeking repentance. In order to truly…

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Mitzvah Study

Consider learning how to observe a new mitzvah that is not currently part of your life today. In the 4th chapter in Pirkei Avot, Ethics of the Fathers, Rabi Eliezer Ben Yaakov states:…

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