
For a high school drop-out who failed English three times, Leon Uris had an outstanding career as a best-selling author. The Baltimore born (August 3, 1924) son of a Jewish paperhanger…

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Eikev 5780-2020

“The Intermarriage Conundrum” (updated and edited from parashat Eikev 5761-2001) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald The opening verses of this week’s parasha, parashat Eikev, conclude the…

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A Woman In Charge: Bessie Gotsfeld

Mizrachi Women's Organization of America (MWOA, known today as AMIT - Americans for Israel and Torah) began as part of Mizrachi of America. Its separate identity was the direct result of…

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Herzl’s Vision of Haifa

International air travel today, especially in the “post 9-11 world,” can be frustrating, annoying and anxiety-provoking. Because of the extra costs of traveling to and from airports,…

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Devarim 5780-2020

“Eichah, The Annual Search for Meaning and Introspection” (updated and revised from Parashat Devarim 5761-2001) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Devarim, is…

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BiosRabbi Ephraim Buchwald – Director Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald is one of the leaders in the movement of Jewish return in…

Jonas Phillips: Living in the Revolution

A few weeks after the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the BriTisha blockade intercepted a communication from Jonas Phillips to a relative on the Dutch Island of St. Estatius.…

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Does the Torah Support the Belief in Extraterrestrial Life?

Today, July 2nd, is celebrated world-wide, as "World UFO Day." It all started on July 2, 1947, when W.W. "Mac" Brazel discovered a metallic object on his Roswell, NM ranch. The U.S.…

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Free To All

On June 30, 2008, the first Jewish Treat was posted to There were fewer than 50 people on the subscription list. Today, we are proud to say, over 3,400 people receive…

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Run a Hebrew Reading Class FAQs

Hebrew Reading and Writing CoursesHow to Run A Hebrew Class FAQsWhile NJOP welcomes you to run our free Hebrew classes at any…