Blood is Life

January has been labeled National Blood Donor Month, making it an ideal time for Jewish Treats to reflect upon Judaism’s special attitude toward blood. God called the very first human…

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Jewish Work in Diabetes

Today is World Diabetes Day. Not so long ago, diabetes was often thought of as a “Jewish disease.” This was before doctors and scientists understood genetics. The idea of diabetes as a…

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The First Advisor on Jewish Affairs

In 1942, after first serving as a rabbi in Buffalo, New York, and then in Chicago, Illinois, Rabbi Judah Nadich (1912–2007) enlisted in the United States Army as a chaplain. A few months…

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Go Vote! It’s an American and Jewish Value!

Voting in free and fair elections is one of the most profound privileges that Americans and citizens of other democratic countries enjoy. Almost 700,000 American soldiers* have died in…

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Jewish Travel

On a future trip to the area, plan to learn more about the Jewish refugees of Europe including some 400 students from the Mirrer Yeshiva who, despite difficult and trying circumstances,…

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Save a Life

If you are able, train to become an EMT or paramedic, and if your local Jewish community has an organized Hatzalah, an organization that offers life-saving services in communities in the…

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Does the Torah Support the Belief in Extraterrestrial Life?

This Saturday, July 2nd, is celebrated, worldwide, as “World UFO Day.” On July 2, 1947, W.W. “Mac” Brazel discovered a metallic object on his Roswell, NM ranch. The U.S. government…

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Learn about the critically important research work done by Jewish researchers, Karl Landsteiner, Alexander Solomon Wiener and Philip Levine that lead to discoveries making lifesaving…

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It’s a Dog’s Life

To learn more about dogs and the roles they have played in Jewish history, study the various Talmudic and Midrashic passages about dogs.

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Jewish Identity

Sign up for one of NJOP’s free Hebrew Reading Crash Courses starting Monday night January 17th (Level I for beginners) and Wednesday night January 19th (Level II for intermediates), and…

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